Consulting & Managed
Metanet Global ATNSApplication Modernization
Metanet Digital Northstar ConsultingInfra Modernization
Metanet Tplatform rockPLACE GTPlus Utimost INS EminetSolution & Service
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Skelter LabsLearning Platform
IGM ElicsApplication Modernizationn
Transforming your legacy applications to become more agile and efficient in the cloud
Application modernization does not simply mean that you promote business innovation by improving your applications or IT systems.
In an era where software constitutes a business, you need to take application modernization as digital innovation itself.
So, application modernization is the most critical process in corporate innovation that we must prepare and execute now, not in the future.
Therefore, you must develop strategic modernization roadmaps according to your corporate status to push for IT modernization centered around applications that move alongside your business as one. To do this, you must resolve the diverse technical debt that legacy applications had while securing the necessary technologies, approach, and resources.
Metanet Digital has accumulated experience in the most diverse types of application modernization, and we seek to become your partner of bona fide corporate innovation through application moderation based on a new approach, collaboration and contract methods unprecedented in the IT service industry.
Application modernization or development of cloud-native applications can take place in various points on the maturity spectrum.
Applications can be perfectly modernized by leveraging diverse services and technology stacks offered by public and private clouds and overcoming all anti-patterns in the distributed architecture.
On the other hand, ways to lift and shift on the public cloud can be considered a part of application/IT modernization to maintain the code base of legacy applications and benefit from the cloud infrastructure above all else.
Modernization roadmaps will vary depending on the situation a company or an organization is in, their budget, and growth goals, so the level of modernization will be adjusted accordingly.
Metanet Digital proposes our Application-Driven Cloud Migration Service as the first step to application modernization.
Application-driven cloud migration service is a concept that encompasses lift and shift, platform and re-platform, and re-architecting. However, it is the means to determine the transformation strategy, direction, technology stack, and the ecosystem centered around business and applications.
In order to satisfy technological and business elements of modernization, you must deviate from the existing software engineering methodology, or traditional ways of developing and operating applications.
You must also avoid using the existing approach to business models taken by IT service providers that develop applications (e.g. analysis and design methods, SW development framework [methodology], necessary guidelines and tool chains, and effective testing methods).
Metanet Digital presents the BaaS model as the means to modernize applications together with our customers.
We are suggesting the new BaaS model because of the rapid changes in the application development environment (the speed of business change, technology and technological ecosystems, increase in technological complexity, the IT labor market, and the IT service supplier market).
The essence of BaaS that Metanet Digital proposes involves a shift from a horizontal relationship between a customer and a vendor into a contract model based on a horizontal partnership.
By changing the contract model and the delivery method, the collaboration model with customers will evolve into an advanced collaboration model that could not be achieved based on previous contracts and the existing development methods. Under the new collaboration model, Metanet Digital and our customers will learn and evolve together.
The talent with the skill, aptitude, and passion to build with the latest, most cutting- edge technology.
Build Centers
Located in clients’ time zones, these centers of knowledge, collaboration, and culture are where Builders create.
Clients have the ability to seamlessly shift or scale work, so that every project gets exactly what is needed, then ramps down as necessary.
A pragmatic approach that drives fluidity with rigor, acceleration with quality, and ties it all with business relevance.
More than just products, Slalom Build forms teams, processes, and culture – together with clients – to lay the tracks for building modern software through every project.